Friday, January 2, 2015

Midnight snacking and true love

I have acquired an unfortunate habit. It began with my first pregnancy. I get up and eat in the middle of the night. Every night. Apparently it's not good for you or something. Is that why everything tastes so much better in the middle of the night?

After I met my true love, we kept discovering weird things we had in common with each other. On our honeymoon as I slipped ever-so-quietly out of bed at 2 a.m. to dig into the junk food we'd brought into our hotel room, I discovered my favorite thing we share. He'd beaten me to it. Of course, he was a gentleman and left two-thirds of the giant cookie for me.

Now I'm getting hungry.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Oh yeah, Happy New Year!

Oy! How does anyone with ADD ever keep a blog? It's amazing the amount of posts I've started but are sitting unfinished and have yet to be published! I guess it kind of makes sense...for whatever reason I'm just the antithesis of whatever's cool right now. So since blogging is the big thing, it no longer interests me. When nobody else is interested in the thing anymore, I'll be all over it.
Anyway, today I'm actually going to post something for realsies. Cause I got all crafty and made this:

I've wanted to make a book page wreath for a long time and I finally got around to it:-) I had one of my grandfather's old accounting books and the pages were that nice old browny-yellow color. So I didn't have to stain them with anything (thank goodness--I probably would've gotten sick of it half way through and never finished the project!) I was not sure how well an accounting textbook would translate into a wreath (let's face it, as useful as it is, math is not as pretty as something like poetry), but I ended up being pleasantly surprised! 
I just have no clue where to put the thing now...
Oh yeah... I guess It's 2015 now. I made a resolution to be nicer to people... but then I thought, maybe that's cheating since that's been my resolution for the last several years and I just keep failing at being nice and starting over again every year...So I'll also make a resolution I can keep ;-) I resolve to keep up on my blog posts this year!
anyway resolutions are one of those things that are meant to be broken, right?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

HOORAY for D.I.!!

    It finally happened! All of the countless days and hours I've spent at D.I. (Deseret Industries, for those of you who may not know) all payed off today! Oooh I'm SO excited! First I'd like to share with you the fruits of my last D.I. trip, and how it turned out after I got through with it. I've been looking for a Family Home Evening board that's smaller than the one I have now, and then I came across this:

    I thought it was super cute, and all I'd have to do is add some more knobby hangy-thingies and it would be good as new! And at $3.00, it was pretty hard to say no to. It turned out I didn't even have to worry about exactly matching the existing knobby thingy (it had a dark brown stain on it). I was able to find those same round pieces--unfinished--at my local craft store for a couple bucks and I just painted them with whatever brown acrylic paint I had on hand. I just added a little more water to my brush if it was getting too thick.
    It turned out A LOT better than I was thinking it would. I reused the tags from my old FHE board (yes, I am that cheap) by writing whatever name I wanted on a white label and cutting it to fit on the tag over the previous word. Even up close you can't tell that's what I did.

    Yes, there are only 5 members of my family and there are 6 things to do on this board. So I added a MYSTERY tag. That will rotate each week to a new SURPRISE member of the family who gets to do TWO things for that Family Home Evening! Mystery and Surprise always make things sound more fun and exciting, don't they?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Okay, FINE!

SO, I have all this STUFF I want to share with you. Mostly it's just things I've made, or ideas I've come up with (yes, I know I'm a dork but I need to feel validated somehow). And now I have my soapbox (aka blaaaahhg) from which to spout whatever I think is important. There is something I do not have, and I sadly underestimated the importance of it. That would be a camera that takes good-looking pictures. It is really pretty ridiculous and kind of defeats the purpose of a blog, I think, to try to describe something without having any pictures to reference...not to mention horribly boring.

This lack of camera is the biggest reason I haven't posted since July last year. I have A LOT of pictures on my phone of: out-of-focus jewelry, badly-lit projects I've done, food that's disgustingly off-color, and a dessert that actually looks like something a dog coughed up. So...yeah.

I'm finally gonna post this now (3 weeks after I originally wrote it, cause I'm awesome like that), so I can write my NEXT post about what is new and exciting in my life! :-)


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My favorite salad!

The pictures from my phone are blurry and it just doesn't capture the awesomeness of the things I find awesome enough to take pictures of.

My new favorite meal! Seriously the most delicious salad that I have ever made myself at home. Maybe that's not saying much, but anyway I think it's great!

For years I've been looking for the perfect salad dressing. Most bottled dressings you can buy at the store are too sweet for me. If you're looking for a sweet dressing, that's fine. But I don't want sugar to be the second ingredient in my vinaigrette. When I lived in San Diego I got the Trader Joe's balsamic vinaigrette. That's really good. I don't live anywhere near a Trader Joe's at the moment. I've tried making my own mix of olive oil and balsamic vinegar and stuff, but it never turns out like my mom's does (the champion salad-maker in my book) and it's actually pretty hard to find real balsamic vinegar if you know what to look for. Oohhh, it's sooo delicious! I could drink the stuff!

Anyway, so the other day I found this new dressing called the "New American Dressing". After reading the ingredients, I knew it was what I was looking for.
 So, here's how to make my awesomely simple and delicious favorite salad (with my trick for how to dress every bit perfectly evenly every time)!

In a large-ish bowl combine:
Mixed greens
1/2 of one apple, thinly sliced and then cut into pieces
(I used fugi apples because that's what I had, but any kind would be good. Pears are really yummy, too.)
1 handful of dried cranberries
1 handful of chopped pecans (you can do raw, but it's sooo much yummier with candied ones. You can find them in the salad section at the store--or just toss some raw ones in a pan with some butter and sugar for a bit. It's really easy).
Okay, so now you pour the dressing on--you usually don't need more than 2 Tbsp because it gets distributed so well--and here is my trick (maybe I'm not that unique in doing this...I've just never seen anyone else do it, so I guess I just assume...)
Put a dinner plate on top of the bowl

Now, with both hands hold on really tight so you don't drop it, and SHAKE! Shake like you mean it! Swirl it around in the bowl and do a little dance around the kitchen while you're at it! Okay well, you don't have to do that part, but I like to ;)
It really only takes a few seconds of shaking and to get everything evenly covered. Once you try it you get an idea of what works best for you. Now, look at what it looks like when I lift the plate off! I get so excited to see how beautifully it turns out (yah, I don't get out much...I get waaay too excited about food)

Isn't that great?!? I have to go eat. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Okay, I've been waiting to post until I found my camera, but it looks like my camera is hanging out wherever the can opener decided to hide. Apparently we have a black hole into which all missing things get sucked. Anyway, I wanted to start posting some of the things I've been doing and making. Lately it's been mostly jewelry. I'm a little obsessed with pearls right now...hehehe. More to come!

                                              Here is a bracelet I made:

My favorite thing about the jewelry I make is that I use pieces from old stuff I already have, or I find really hideous things on clearance at Walmart and take it apart to use the pieces I like. It ends up costing me almost nothing! The clasp for this bracelet came from a piece of clearance jewelry. I was able to make a pair of earrings, and this bracelet from the one piece that cost me $2.50, and I still have a lot of useful pieces left over.

Friday, June 29, 2012

This Is Spinal Tap (and postural headache and blood patch)

There's only so much one can do while lying flat on one's back. I AM NOT GOOD AT DOING NOTHING! It drives me crazy! (which apparently, is one of the trials I am to learn from in this life, because it seems at times, my body is determined to ONLY let me do nothing). So of course, I started a blog. Everyone's doing it. I was like, the only girl on the whole street without my own blog.

So, in my recent effort to get the world record of most medical tests and procedures done in one week, I had a lumbar puncture done on Tuesday. It was awesome. Really, the actual procedure wasn't that bad. The worst part was about half way through. It was taking too long for them to get anything out (the doctor said my back was being stingy with its fluid. Well yeah, I kind of need it!) so they tilted the table I was lying on. With my head pointed up toward the ceiling I got the lovely feeling of my spinal fluid running down my back. EEeeewwww.

Rest, drink a lot, rest, rest.

Four days later I still couldn't get up out of bed because I got this terrible rushing pounding throbbing sickening headache if I stood or sat up. I went back to the hospital this afternoon and they did what they call a "blood patch". Which I have decided is best described in this way: A procedure in which they take enough blood from your arm, that when injected into your back creates enough pressure and pain that it takes your mind off and/or totally drowns out the headache that brought you there in the first place.

So here I am again. In bed. On my back. It's okay. Now I have my very own blog. :)

Oh! And apparently, I don't have MS!

So Spinal Tap can be good for something other than a nasty headache. :P

Ha ha horrible jokes!