Friday, June 29, 2012

This Is Spinal Tap (and postural headache and blood patch)

There's only so much one can do while lying flat on one's back. I AM NOT GOOD AT DOING NOTHING! It drives me crazy! (which apparently, is one of the trials I am to learn from in this life, because it seems at times, my body is determined to ONLY let me do nothing). So of course, I started a blog. Everyone's doing it. I was like, the only girl on the whole street without my own blog.

So, in my recent effort to get the world record of most medical tests and procedures done in one week, I had a lumbar puncture done on Tuesday. It was awesome. Really, the actual procedure wasn't that bad. The worst part was about half way through. It was taking too long for them to get anything out (the doctor said my back was being stingy with its fluid. Well yeah, I kind of need it!) so they tilted the table I was lying on. With my head pointed up toward the ceiling I got the lovely feeling of my spinal fluid running down my back. EEeeewwww.

Rest, drink a lot, rest, rest.

Four days later I still couldn't get up out of bed because I got this terrible rushing pounding throbbing sickening headache if I stood or sat up. I went back to the hospital this afternoon and they did what they call a "blood patch". Which I have decided is best described in this way: A procedure in which they take enough blood from your arm, that when injected into your back creates enough pressure and pain that it takes your mind off and/or totally drowns out the headache that brought you there in the first place.

So here I am again. In bed. On my back. It's okay. Now I have my very own blog. :)

Oh! And apparently, I don't have MS!

So Spinal Tap can be good for something other than a nasty headache. :P

Ha ha horrible jokes!